Odos Kastellorizou, Aglantziá

Fiyat: 990 EUR/Month
Adres: Odos Kastellorizou , Nicosia, Cyprus Show map

The house is close to the University of Cyprus, it's only 10 minute walk. Also near bus stations, supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants.

Toilet: Private
Heating: No
Total size: 180
Animal allowed: Discussable
Washing machine: Yes
Water cost included: Yes
Smoking allowed: Outside only
Ac: Yes
Tv: Yes
Closet: Yes
Play music: Yes
Lroom furniture: Yes
Desk: Yes
Parking: Private
Internet included: Yes
Bed: Yes
Dryer: No
Living room: Private
Balcony terrace: Private
Bedroom furnished: Yes
Wifi: Yes
Kitchenware: Private
Bedroom count: 3
Tenant status: Any
Gas cost included: No
Garden: Private
Kitchen: Private
Flooring: Wood
Dishwasher: No
Electricity included: No

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